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Dear EuSEM members,

2012 has seen many positive developments in the world of European Emergency Medicine led by EuSEM. Thank you, our members, for your contributions and efforts towards achieving our goals. Some of the highlights to look back on are:

  • 170 new members joined the Society.
  • With the addition of the Norwegian Society of EM, 29 national societies have now joined EuSEM.
  • A successful congress in Antalya, Turkey in October.
  • A first very encouraging Refresher Course organised by the EuSEM Young EM Doctors Section and the Education Section in November in Berlin, Germany.
  • Other sections and committees are growing and working superbly.
  • The Council of UEMS (Union Européene des Médecins Spécialistes’) recognised EM as a major hospital specialty by agreeing the creation of a full Section of EM and the first meeting was held in Brussels in May.
  • Norway has become the latest country to approve Emergency Medicine as a basic specialty with immediate effect and Sweden has done the same with effect from the beginning of 2013.
  • The application for becoming an ‘International Non-Profit Organisation’ (INPO) has almost been completed.
  • The European Journal of EM has embraced the latest technology – an app was launched in June.

And much more. No doubt you could add to this list with encouraging news from your own countries and places of work.

Much remains to be done in 2013. Seven European Union countries do not yet recognise EM as a hospital-based clinical specialty. Work is continuing on the development of a European Diploma. Other major challenges ahead include the need to sandardise facilities and clinical practice across Europe. – We anticipate major progress in these areas during the next twelve months.

The coming year will bring a change to the distribution of the European Journal of EM. With the increased use of the online and app digital versions of the journal, the printed version has become all but superfluous. We have therefore decided to phase out the printed version, but continue to offer it for an additional charge of €25. In practice this means that you will be receiving the print copy till the end of your current membership year, but thereafter only if you request it. You will be reminded about this when you receive your next membership renewal reminder. We very much see this as a step forward – a way of minimizing further increases in costs and being more environmentally friendly as well.

We would like to remind you that if you have been a member of EuSEM for five years or more, you may be eligible to become a Fellow of EuSEM. Fellowship is the senior grade of Society membership and recognizes your significant achievements and services to European Emergency Medicine. We encourage you to apply – see the EuSEM website for more details.

Last but not least: Have you saved the date for the next congress? – MEMC 2013 is taking place 8 – 11 September 2013 in Marseille, France.

With best wishes for a successful 2013,

Abdel Bellou